Dear Theo and Pieter,
I would just like to pass on a recent comment received at a meeting that I attended with the Green Building Council of SA at WSP Offices at Knightsbridge. One of the GBCSA board members made the effort to specifically find me and to compliment the security guards at the park. She said that they were amazingly friendly, efficient and that they even recognised her from previous visits.
Please pass on our thanks to your team on site, they are doing a great job and are a huge part of the Knightsbridge offering and experience.
Dear Theo,
At about 6pm last evening some burglars tried to break into our property via our main door while my kids and nanny were at home. Hearing the unusual commotion at the door our nanny realised someone was trying to break into our property. She then ran into the back yard and the service lane adjacent to Cullinan office park with my kids screaming for help and hearing her screams Eugene and another gentleman from your team decided to jump across the wall to assist without any fear. The response from your team and some of the neighbors certainly scared the burglars away. In fact, while I was on my way home after hearing about the incident, Eugene walked back into our house with our nanny and kids to check if everything was fine and decided to stay with them till I reached home.
Also, your team reacted to this incident much faster than the armed response from ADT which took about 30mins to get here.
Once again, Thanks a lot for your team’s help. Much Appreciated.
Hi Sian
As discussed, just to a mail to let you know how greatful I am for Duncan & Solly that always look so well after me at night when I work late.
They check up on me every so often just to check if I’m still okay and escort me out of the building. I must say, I feel so safe when they are on duty.
They are super stars……
Thank you and kind regards
Good day Collen
On the 20 November 2012, I visited world wear centre for a quick shopping. I got to the shopping centre just before 7PM (closing time) ,
got out of the car and rushed to the shops without realizing that the windows in my car were open.
On my return I noticed security barriers around my car (tape and cones). Before I could even say a word, a security guard who did not want to claim glory
was there and told me that I had left my widows open. Because of this none of my valuables were stolen from the vehicle.
I would like to thank the security personnel/heroes on duty for their dedication, professionalism and honesty.
I look forward to more shopping at my favorite and secured shopping centre.
Good morning,
Kindly note I would just like to give a BIGGGGGG compliment to Gilbert the security guard on duty during the night at Pineview.
His honest, reliable and really someone we can count on.
Our caretaker resigned and we do not have a caretaker on the premises at the moment. We do have staff staying there, but at this moment we need someone who we can trust and know will handle a situation with honesty. I can honestly say knowing we have Gilbert on the premises at night makes the stress lighter.
Please make sure that Gilbert knows we are great full to have him there, and we truly appreciate what he does for the building. We will get a new caretaker and this won’t be for much longer, but if it was not for Gilbert being there at night I know we would have our hands full with the tenants doing whatever they like and making a complete mess of our building.
Thank you for the amazing service we have been receiving from Gilbert and please don’t ever let him leave Pineview as he is the best.
Hi Theo,
I have to compliment you on Nkomo, the new guard at 6 Sturdee Avenue. He is great!
We have a contractor onsite to service some a/c units in one of the new tenancies and he has denied access until he has heard from Spire for approval.
He’s not familiar with me so has said he needs confirmation from Surina too, which I have asked her to give.
This is great news! It’s fantastic to have someone who is completely professional and takes full ownership of their building onsite.
A breath of fresh air!
Thank you!
Hi Mr. Mashaba,
On the 2nd and the 3rd of August 2017, we hosted events of over 180 clients on site. Both events started at 17h00 until late. We would like to thank each and every one involved for making the event a huge success.
Especially the dayshift security team for working until late at night and ensuring that all our clients were safely inside the venue. We witnessed great partnership between the dayshift and nightshift team.
The strength of our achievement is rooted in the depth of your passion. Customer service is not a department, it’s an attitude.
A huge thank you to Adson Maluleke who found a client’s wallet at the front parking area. The wallet was handed over to the client the next day. The wallet had an amount over R1500.00 in it.
Well done Mr. Maluleke. We salute your excellence.
Kind Regards,
Sipho Macwele
Hi Theo and all
Ben did one of his “spot visits” on Saturday 03 October 2015.
He was very impressed with guards and their general guarding service.
He was a passenger in a vehicle – so un-recognisable by guards and his friend told the guard that Ben said he could have access.
The guards followed procedure and then Ben got out of car to show he was there and guard phone him to allow access.While Ben checked the entire estate he saw Melody doing a thorough patrol.
So for a change I can say well done, instead of yet another complaint from office park !
Thanks to all for making the change over as smooth as possible !
More Theo,
Hiermee wil ek u graag in kennis stel dat die sekuriteits dienste hulle uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt het tydens ons CEO en CFO se besoek laas week.
Ons het goeie terugvoer van hul kant gekry en ek voel dat n mens soms ook erkenning moet gee waar dit verdien word.
Hou asb aan om die vlakke van goeie dienslewering te handhaaf.
Fanie Olivier
Dear Tenants
I know that you all have been having some sort of issues with the old company due to lack of management, but let us put that behind us and start off on a fresh note “New Broom Sweeps Clean”.
We welcome Sirius and wish them everything of the best. I can guarantee that the service is way better and management is on the ball as I have them on a few other sites, so please feel free to contact them directly if you require there assistance.
Hope you will find the above to be in order.
Excellerate Real Estate Services (Pty) Ltd T/A JHI